HC Deb 29 July 1918 vol 109 cc30-2
35. Captain WRIGHT

asked the Minister of Munitions whether the Mineral Oil Production Department is only able to obtain raw material for the production of oil subject to the consent of the Goal Controller; whether, owing to the attitude of the Coal Controller, the scheme for the adaptation of vertical gas retorts has been deferred; how many such retorts have been adapted and are now in operation; and what sum of money has been expended in this direction up to date?


Supplies of raw material for the production of oil are obtained in agreement with the Coal Controller. Difficulties which have arisen are now under negotiation. The retorts at Radford Gas Works are the only ones completed and in operation. They are capable of dealing with all the cannel as yet available. The retorts at eight other gas works are in process of adaptation, and should be completed in time to deal with the additional supplies of cannel, which it is hoped will become available. An expenditure of £97,300 has been sanctioned for the whole scheme, of which £21,000 has been paid.

36. Captain WRIGHT

asked the Minister of Munitions what are the duties of the Mineral Oil Production Department; and the number, official classification, sex, age, grade for military service, qualifications, employment, and salary before and since appointment of the various officials, secretaries, geologists, engineers, chemists, supply officers, secretaries, clerks, typists, and assistants employed in that Department; and what laboratories, offices, and other premises are occupied by and what is the total annual cost of that Department?


I am not sure that it will be desirable to give all the detailed information for which my hon. and gallant Friend asks, and in any event it will take some time to prepare. But I will send my hon. and gallant Friend such information as can properly be given.

Captain WRIGHT

Are the members of this rather large staff in full-time employment, having regard to the action of the Coal Controller?


I have no reason to believe that the Department is overstaffed. I shall be very glad to consider any representation that my hon. and gallant Friend makes.

51. Captain WRIGHT

asked the Prime Minister whether the Petroleum Research Department has been abolished; if so, will he say why; and whether its Report will be laid upon the Table as a White Paper?


It was found undesirable to have separate Departments for Oil Production and Research, the original Petroleum Research Department was dissolved on the reorganisation of the Mineral Oil Production Department, which has taken over the work of research. It is not proposed to publish the Petroleum Research Department's Report, which has been considered by a Committee under the chairmanship of Lord Crewe. The Committee Report has been laid on the Table of this House.

Captain WRIGHT

Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Munitions said last week that the Research Department's Report would be published, and moreover he was good enough to recommend the hon. Member for North Hereford to study it?


Lord Crewe's Report has been laid on the Table of the House.

52. Captain WRIGHT

asked what are the duties now being carried on by the Petroleum Executive Committee and under what Parliamentary head; to whom questions should be addressed in this House; does the control and granting of licences to bore for oil lie with this Committee; and, if not, with what Department or Ministry and under whose Parliamentary and Departmental control?


The Petroleum Executive acts under the direction of the Secretary of State for the Colonies, and is charged with the co-ordination of the work of all Departments in regard to oil questions. Licences to bore for oil are granted by the Ministry of Munitions.

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