HC Deb 25 July 1918 vol 108 cc1982-3

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether small licensed traders in Ireland who did not in the datum year get their supplies direct from the breweries have since last March got very limited supplies of beer and at an increased price; and whether he will take immediate steps to see that small traders get a fixed minimum supply per week?

The MINISTER of FOOD (Mr. Clynes)

I have been asked to reply. As I informed the hon. Member on 7th May, the distribution of beer in Ireland is governed by the Intoxicating Liquor (Output and Delivery) Orders, which follow the lines laid down by Parliament in the Output of Beer (Restriction) Act, 1916. Down to the 31st March there was a certain amount of beer in, Ireland on which no licensed trader had any statutory claim, and this was utilised by the Irish brewers to satisfy the needs of small traders. Owing to the necessity for increased restrictions this free beer is no longer available, and the difficulties of the small trader have revived. I am in consultation with my right hon. Friend the Chief Secretary for Ireland as to what measures, if any, can be adopted in order to overcome these difficulties.


Has it come to the right hon. Gentleman's knowledge that a large number of small traders, who get their supplies locally, have since the 1st April practically got nothing at all, and that some of those who have got a supply have had to pay a considerably increased price for it; and, if these facts have come to his knowledge, will the right hon Gentleman take immediate steps to deal with the matter?


Facts of that kind have been placed before me, and it is for that reason I have said in my reply that the difficulties of the small traders have revived, and that I am now in consultation with my right hon. Friend as to the best means of meeting those difficulties.


How soon may we expect to have some decision, as I have myself been personally concerned in this matter, and I am sorry to say that nothing has been done up to the present?


There will be no delay in the matter.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that several small licensed traders, although the Government compel them to pay the Licence Duty, since the 1st April have not had a bottle of beer or stout on their premises?


That side of the question will be taken into account in seeking a remedy.


While these small traders have no beer or stout on the premises to sell is it fair to charge them the Licence Duty?


I can assure my hon. Friend that there will be no delay in dealing with the matter.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take some steps to compel the wholesale bottlers to give to the small retail traders their fair share of the supplies?


That aspect of the question will be taken into account.