HC Deb 23 July 1918 vol 108 cc1620-1
19. Captain CARR-GOMM

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether any other Departments are concerned in the erection of the new military works at Cippenham, in South Bucks; and, if so, will he say which they are?


The answer is in the negative.

20. Captain CARR-GOMM

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether the special plant which is being erected at the new military works at Cippenham, in South Bucks, for the purpose of washing the gravel was found necessary only after the further examination of the soil, or whether its use was originally contemplated when the site was chosen; and will he say what is the estimated expenditure on this machinery and the cost of working it during the preparation of the site?


It was never contemplated to use the gravel at Cippenham for ferro-concrete work without washing the gravel. The gravel-washer will cost about £150, and the cost of washing and grading the gravel is estimated at 9d. per cubic yard.

21. Captain CARR-GOMM

asked whether it was originally intended to supply a system of water transport in connection with the new military works at Cippenham, in South Bucks; whether it has been found impossible to extend the waterway of the neighbouring canal so as to serve the new site; and, if so, whether, in consequence, the whole idea of securing water transport for these new works has now been definitely abandoned?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative, and to the last two parts in the negative.