HC Deb 23 July 1918 vol 108 cc1647-8

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in February last, the seamen and firemen of cross-Channel steamers sailing under the direction of the Railway Control Committee were granted increases in pay, with effect from the previous October, amounting in all to an increase of over 100 per cent. on pre-war rates; whether the officers of these ships received any corresponding increase; whether he is aware that many mates have for some months been receiving less than deckhands and engineer officers less than greasers in the same ships; and whether he will take immediate steps to ensure that the claims of these officers shall be fully considered without further delay?


The question of the pay of officers on steamers under the control of the Railway Executive Committee has been under consideration for some time, and the committee have agreed to pay the initial rates for each grade as recommended by the National Maritime Board, but desire to retain their own classification of railway steamers and their own system of seniority. The rates of pay will on the average, and on the whole, be equivalent to those laid down by the National Maritime Board, and the increases of pay will be retrospective and date back to the 6th October.


Can the hon. Gentleman give any indication as to when the money will be paid to these officers, who have now been waiting nine or ten months?


I am aware that they have waited some time, but I think that a decision will be arrived at very early.


Was not a promise given by the Shipping Controller in November?


I am not responsible for that Department.


Did not my hon. Friend say that a decision had been arrived at?


Yes; it has been arrived at, but I am unable to state anything of the actual facts.

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