HC Deb 23 July 1918 vol 108 cc1619-20
34. Mr. KING

asked the Home Secretary on what date was Captain Bowen-Coulthurst released from Broadmoor; how long had he been then an inmate of Broadmoor; whether a special mental inquiry was made into his case; if so, whether he is now considered to be sane and free from all danger of any relapse; how many persons have been liberated from Broadmoor during the last ten years; and what was the average term of detention in these cases before they left Broadmoor?


Captain Bowen-Coulthurst was received in Broadmoor Asylum on the 5th July, 1916, and conditionally discharged on the 26th January last. I was advised in the matter by the medical staff of Broadmoor, who are specially skilled in all questions of insanity, and who had him under constant observation during the whole period of his detention. Captain Bowen-Coulthurst is not regarded as free from all danger of relapse, and for that reason conditions as to residence and supervision were attached to his discharge. During the last ten years 185 inmates of Broadmoor Asylum have been discharged from the asylum. Of these 169 have been discharged on conditions designed to protect themselves and the public from the risks arising from a relapse into insanity. I cannot say what was the average term of their detention. It varies very greatly according to the circumstances of the individual case.


May we take it that this officer is now at liberty to live in Ireland, although the widow of the man whose death he caused, and against whom no charge is made, is not allowed to go there?


No, Sir, that is not the case. One of the conditions of his release is that he shall reside in a fit place, in England.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether it is his intention to recommend that Captain Bowen-Coulthurst be now placed upon the military staff in Dublin?


For recruiting purposes.