HC Deb 22 July 1918 vol 108 cc1448-9
22. Captain WRIGHT

asked the Minister of Munitions whether the invention of a retort for the low temperature distillation of oil from cannel and other cognate substances is of no interest to the Government?


A good retort for the low temperature distillation of oil from cannel and other cognate substances would be of interest to the Government. But regard must be had to the difficulties of erecting new retorts on any large scale, and to the fact that sufficient retorts are already available to deal satisfactorily with all the cannel which is obtainable.

23 and 21. Captain WRIGHT

asked the Minister of Munitions (1) with whom it lies to allow any individual attached to a Department other than the Inventions Department to apply for a patent of an invention similar to, though an improvement on, an invention brought to the Ministry by an inventor—to the head of the Department of the Ministry concerned, or to the Parliamentary head of the Ministry; (2) who decides, when permission is unrestrictedly given to an official of the Ministry to apply for a patent, whether the invention is of interest to the Government and is or is not based upon information supplied to the Department officially; and, when restricted permission is given, what are the restrictions and the circumstances in which such restricted permission is given?


The decision in these cases rests with the head of the Department concerned, who has full cognisance of the circumstances and exercises his judgment as to the propriety or otherwise of a patent being taken out by an individual in his Department. When the invention is deemed to be of value to the Government, the right of user by the Government or its assignment to the Secretary of State is insisted on.

Captain WRIGHT

Will the hon. Gentleman cause inquiry to be made into the circumstances in which Mr. Bradley, an official of the Ministry, was allowed by the head of his department to apply for a patent for a low-temperature retort?


I have already had inquiries made on that question put by my hon. and gallant Friend, and I have not been able to find anything improper in what was then done.