HC Deb 18 July 1918 vol 108 c1215
14. Mr. KING

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware of the light calendars of cases to be tried at the recent summer Assizes throughout Ireland and that in some counties no criminals were charged; and whether the withdrawal of Proclamations under the Criminal Law and Procedure (Ireland) Act, 1887, may now be expected?


I am aware that in some counties the calendars were light and that in one county at least there was no criminal case sent forward for trial. I am, however, unable to draw from these facts the inference as to the peaceful condition of the country suggested by the question of the hon. Member, or any reason for the withdrawal of the Proclamation which it has been deemed necessary by His Majesty's Government recently to promulgate for the better preservation of order in Ireland.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that his answer will be taken in Ireland to mean that it is the Government which is creating the crime and not the people?


The Irish people understand——


In the guise of a question the hon. Member puts in a rejoinder. It is quite disorderly.