HC Deb 16 July 1918 vol 108 c893

asked whether, having regard to the Resolution which stands in the Order Book in the names of 237 Members of this House in favour of the appointment of a Select Committee of this House for the purpose of reviewing the methods, working, and equipment of the various agencies by which the transport and delivery of goods is effected in this country, of examining suggestions for improvement in the existing system, and of making recommendations, he will move for the appointment of such a Committee; and, if not, if he will name an early day for discussion of the Resolution?


In view of the large number of Members who appear to favour an inquiry by Select Committee into certain matters relating to goods transport, I shall be prepared to move for the appointment of such a Committee. The reference proposed by my hon. Friend will, I think, need some amendment to make the inquiry satisfactory, and I would suggest that he should place himself in communication with my right hon. Friends the Minister of Reconstruction and the President of the Board of Trade with regard to this matter.