HC Deb 10 July 1918 vol 108 c297

asked the Undersecretary of State for War if youths under eighteen have been, and are being, sent out to the fighting line; if not, will he inquire why Private T. Campbell, Sea-forth Highlanders, who was not eighteen years of age until February of this year, was sent out to France in January notwithstanding the protest to his commanding officer by his father; and, as this boy has been reported missing since the 22nd March, will he say what action it is proposed to take against those responsible for sending out this boy to France?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Mr. Macpherson)

I am making inquiries into this case, and will communicate with my hon. Friend in due course.

27. Mr. KING

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he can state the present whereabouts of Private Peter Kavanagh, Royal Defence Force; whether he is aware that this soldier is barely eighteen; why has his father never received the allowance made to him; and whether the case of this soldier and his father and the fact that the lad joined up voluntarily immediately after his mother's death will be taken into account?


Representations have already been made to me regarding this soldier's age, and the matter is being dealt with in accordance with the Regulations in such cases. I am also having inquiries made into the other points raised in the question.