HC Deb 10 July 1918 vol 108 cc302-3

asked the Minister of National Service if a head carder in a cotton mill, aged thirty-three, married, is protected from being called up for military service under the Order of 9th April; if this be so, will he say if the decision of the tribunal in the case of James Scholes, 12, Bank Street, Hadfield, near Manchester—namely, that he must join the Army on the 4th August, 1918—is valid; and will he say further whether a man protected under the Order of 9th April requires to have a tribunal exemption so long as he is protected by that Order?


The hon. Member appears to be under a misapprehension as to the effect of the Order referred to, which withdraws exemption on occupational grounds held by men of certain ages. It does not confer any form of protection or exemption on anyone. A certificate of exemption held from a tribunal by a man not within the specified ages is not affected in any way by the Withdrawal Order. It may, therefore, be withdrawn by the tribunal in ordinary course or it may expire without renewal. In either case the man becomes liable for military service. It follows that the tribunal in the case of Mr. Scholes acted strictly within its powers.