HC Deb 08 July 1918 vol 108 c38
76. Sir F. HALL

asked the Undersecretary of State for War whether German officers who are prisoners of war in this country have also had their ration of meat reduced to 4 ozs. on three days a week, and, if not, what is the quantity granted to them; and how much is allowed to English officers who are prisoners in Germany?


Officer prisoners of war in this country do not draw rations, but are allowed to purchase foodstuffs within certain limits, which have been fixed by the War Office with the approval of the Ministry of Food. The amount of meat purchased weekly must not exceed 16 ozs. of fresh meat (including bone), and 4 ozs. of preserved meat. As regards British officer prisoners of war in Germany, I regret that there is no detailed information, but I fear that, as in the case of the men, the food conditions leave much to be desired.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if he will call the attention of the Information Department to the last part of the question, so that our men who are prisoners in Germany may be better treated there than they are now?


We are doing our level best to get all the information necessary.