§ Sir Daniel Goddard reported from the Committee of Selection, That they had discharged the following Members from Standing Committee B; The Attorney- 1551 General for Ireland, Mr. William Boyle, Mr. Dawes, Mr. Grant, Captain Bennett-Goldney, Colonel Sir Samuel Hoare, Colonel Sir John Hope, Major Hunt, Mr. Ernest Jardine, Major Lane-Fox, Sir Francis Lowe, Colonel Wheler, and Colonel Penry Williams; and had appointed in substitution: Sir Montague Barlow, Colonel Boles, Mr. Bridgeman, Mr. Ernest Craig, Mr. Denniss, Mr. Holt, Colonel McCalmont, Mr. Neville, Colonel Orde-Powlett, Mr. Pulley, Mr. Runciman, The Solicitor-General for Scotland, and Captain Wright.
§ Sir Daniel Goddard further reported from the Committee, That they had added to Standing Committee B the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Trade Boards Bill): Major Barnston, Sir Rowland Barran, Colonel Bathurst, Lord Henry Cavendish-Bentinck, Mr. Denman, Mr. Charles Duncan, Mr. Keating, Mr. James Mason, Sir Maurice Levy, Sir Robert Newman, Mr. Perkins, Mr. George Roberts, Mr. Rowntree, Mr. Scanlan, and Mr. Somervell.
§ Sir Daniel Goddard further reported from the Committee, That they bad added to the Standing Committee on Scottish Bills the following Fifteen Members (in respect of the Education (Scotland) Bill): Colonel Ashley, Mr. Boland, Mr. Broughton, Mr. Dillon, Colonel Du Pre, Mr. Goldstone, Major Sir Charles Hunter, Sir Joseph Larmor, Mr. Butler Lloyd, Mr. Macmaster, Sir Philip Magnus, Mr. Marriott, Mr. Alexander Richardson, Colonel Staveley Hill, and Colonel Weston.
§ Reports to lie upon the Table.