HC Deb 01 July 1918 vol 107 cc1392-3

asked the Minister of Munitions if any conditions as to cheap fares being charged to workpeople travelling on the various routes were made with or imposed on the London General Omnibus Company when grants were given for motor omnibuses by his Department; and can he state whether the omnibus company allow any passengers to travel on any of these subsidised routes at workmen's fares at the same prices as municipal tramway services allow workpeople to travel on their systems?


The answer to the first part of the hon. Member's question is in the negative, but cheap return fares have been in- stituted by the London General Omnibus Company at the request of the Ministry; these cheap return fares are restricted to the employés of the Royal Arsenal. The London General Omnibus Company have never issued workmen's tickets. The fares charged by the company are in some cases the same as those charged by the competing tramway service. In some cases they are higher than the tramway charge; in no cases are they lower.


asked the Minister of Munitions if the amount of the grant to the London General Omnibus Company for motor omnibuses in South-East London for the year ended 30th June, 1918, will be much larger than that paid for the year June, 1917, and if the present negotiations going on are for a still further increase, or whether it is for further routes to be added to the services at present subsidised?


The amount claimed by the London General Omnibus Company for the year 1917–18 will be larger than that paid for the year 1916–17. The negotiations at present proceeding are for a revision of the existing arrangement with the company, including the provision of additional services on existing routes.