HC Deb 01 July 1918 vol 107 c1390

asked the Minister of National Service the number of exemptions given to men in Grade 1 and Category A by the Ministry of Munitions; and whether certificates of exemption have been granted to men of Category A who are engaged only in clerical work?


I have been asked to reply to this question. The number of men in Grade 1 and Category A on the headquarters staffs of the Ministry of Munitions to whom exemptions from military service have been granted is 365, of whom 253 are exempt under the Schedule of Protected Occupations. The remaining 112 (with one exception) are men possessing special experience and training, and include heads of departments and sections, administrative officers lent by railway companies to deal with the transport of munitions, and trained permanent Civil servants. The one exception is engaged on clerical work, and his case is now under review.

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