HC Deb 31 January 1918 vol 101 cc1921-4

In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,

(4) The expression "university constituency "means a constituency consisting of a university or a combination of universities; and the expression "university election" means an election of a member or members of Parliament for a university constituency; and this Act in its application to university elections, shall be read with the substitution of "voting paper" for "ballot paper," and with such other modifications as are necessary to adapt it to the special circumstances of those elections:

(7) The expression "alternative vote" means a vote—

  1. (a) capable of being given so as to indicate the voter's preference for the candidates in order; and
  2. (b) capable of being transferred to a subsequent choice in case no one candidate has a clear majority of the total number of votes counted at any count.

(8) For the purposes of registration a person's age shall be taken to be that person's age on the last day of the qualifying period.

(9) The yearly value of premises shall be taken to be the gross estimated rental where those premises are separately assessed to rates, and in any other case shall be deemed to be the amount which would in the opinion of the registration officer be the gross estimated rental if they were separately assessed.

(10) The expression "afloat" in connection with naval and military voters shall be interpreted in accordance with rules made for the purpose by the Admiralty.

(11) The expression "prescribed" means prescribed by His Majesty by Order in Council.

Any Order in Council under the Act may be revoked or varied as occasion requires by any subsequent Order in Council.

Lords Amendments:

In Sub-section (4), leave out the words "and this Act in its application to university elections, shall be read with the substitution of 'voting paper' for 'ballct paper,' and with such other modifications as are necessary to adapt it to the special circumstances of those elections."—Agreed to.

Leave out Sub-section (7).—Disagreed with.

After Sub-section (8), insert, as a new Sub-section, "The expression 'dwelling-house' includes any part of a house where that part is occupied separately as a dwelling-house."—Agreed to.

In Sub-section (9), after the word "of" ["The yearly value of"], insert the words "land or."—Agreed to.

After the word "rental" ["the gross estimated rental where those premises"], insert the words "or in the Metropolis the gross value."—Agreed to.

After the word "rental" ["the gross estimated rental if they were separately assessed"], insert the words "or gross value as the case requires."—Agreed to.

In Sub-section (10), after the word "afloat," insert the words "and expressions relating to service afloat."—Agreed to.

In Sub-section (11), leave out the words "Any Order in Council under the Act may be revoked or varied as occasion requires by any subsequent Order in Council."—Agreed to.

Motion made, and Question, "That the further consideration of the Lords Amendments be now adjourned," put, and agreed to.—[Sir G. Cave.]

Lords Amendments to be further considered To-morrow.