§ (1) A person other than a candidate or his election agent shall not incur any expenses on account of holding public meetings or issuing advertisements, circulars, or publications, for the purpose of promoting or procuring the election of any candidate at a Parliamentary election unless he is authorised in writing to do so by that candidate or his election agent.
1915§ (3) Any expenses incurred on account of any such purpose as aforesaid and authorised by the candidate shall be duly returned as part of the candidate's election expenses.
§ Lords Amendments:
§ In Sub-section (1), leave out the words "a candidate or his election agent," and insert instead thereof the words "the election agent of a candidate."—Agreed to.
§ Leave out the words "that candidate or his," and insert instead thereof the word such."—Agreed to.
§ In Sub-section (3), after the word "the" ["by the candidate"], insert the words "election agent of the."—Agreed to.
§ After Clause 31, insert