HC Deb 30 January 1918 vol 101 cc1547-9
67. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the authorised prices on Saturday last at which legs, loins, shoulders, and necks of imported mutton were sold in the Manchester area; at what price were privately-imported frozen sheep sold in Liverpool and Manchester during the week in question; and at what price were Government-imported sheep sold?


Maximum retail prices for imported mutton have not at present been fixed by the Manchester Local Food Control Committee, as the supply has been very limited, but a scale of such prices is now under consideration, and will be issued shortly. In the meantime the retail prices of joints are regulated by the general provisions of the Meat (Maximum Prices) Order, 1917, which limits the aggregate profit made by a butcher in any fortnight to 20 per cent., or 2½ d. per 1b., whichever shall be the less. The maximum wholesale price at which frozen lambs, whether imported privately or on Government account, may be geld is 11½d. per lb.

68. Mr. THORNE

asked the total quantity of refrigerated beef, mutton, dairy produce, rabbits, etc., delivered ex the Corporation Cold Stores, Manchester, which were condemned during the twelve months ending 31st December last?


I am causing inquiries to be made, and will convey the information to the hon. Member so soon as it has been obtained.

69. Mr. THORNE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether last week and the week previously he forwarded considerable consignments of Government imported lambs to the Manchester area to relieve the meat shortage; whether the price at which these lambs are sold to retailing butchers is 11½d. per 1b.; whether he is aware that the Argenta Meat Company, of Oldham Street, Manchester, Regent Road, Salford, and many other shops, displayed on Saturday last a price list for imported lamb of ls. 4½d. per 1b. for legs and loins, the loins in some cases being cut very long, is. 2d. for shoulders, 1s. 2½d. best ends of necks, 1s. O½d. breasts, and 11½d. scraps; and that these prices represent a profit of 3d. to 3¼d. per 1b., according to how the loins and best ends are cut; and whether he will ask the Manchester Food Control Committee and the Salford Food Control Committee to exercise stricter control over these companies?


The answer to the first two parts of the question is in the affirmative. The Food Controller has no information with regard to the prices at which joints of imported lamb were sold by the Argenta Meat Company, of Salford, but he is confident that the Manchester and the Salford Local Food Control Com- mittees may be relied upon to enforce the provisions of the Meat (Maximum Prices) Order.

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