HC Deb 30 January 1918 vol 101 cc1535-6
32. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War if his attention has been drawn to the treatment of a young Irish soldier who joined the Army voluntarily; if he is aware that Private M. M'Carthy, No. 8475, A Company, 5th Royal Dublin Fusiliers, who was severely wounded and subsequently recommended by a board of medical doctors for discharge, has, instead of receiving his discharge, been. called before the military officials and sentenced to six months' imprisonment for having outstayed his leave two years ago; and if, having regard to the fact that the offence was committed two years ago, and that the soldier immediately afterwards was sent to the trenches, while his offence was paid for in blood, and that he is now a convalescent case, he will immediately order his release from prison, grant him the discharge which the medical board recommended, so as to allow his friends in Ireland to nurse him back to health and strength, which lie enjoyed previous to offering his life for the protection of the weaker nations?


I am inquiring into this case, and will communicate later with the hon. Member.