HC Deb 24 January 1918 vol 101 c1115

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the compulsory Order to plough up demesne lands involves a considerable amount of fencing and that the price for barbed-wire fencing is now 66s. per cwt.; and whether he will arrange that controlled fencing wire at a reasonable price shall be placed at the disposal of landowners who, under the Tillage Orders, are compelled to put up fencing?


While fencing may be necessary in some cases of the breaking up of demesne lands, if the portion of land to be tilled is selected with a view to availing of existing fences as far as possible, and if the unploughed land adjoining the tillage is meadowed, the need for additional fencing could be considerably reduced, and perhaps obviated altogether. The existing price of barbed wire is approximately as stated in the question. The Department of Agriculture will be prepared to make representations to the Ministry of Munitions in favour of the granting of permits to purchase barbed wire by owners of demesnes where necessity is shown to exist.