HC Deb 22 January 1918 vol 101 cc814-5
67. Mr. MILLAR

asked the Minister of Munitions whether repeated representations have been received by him from the Scottish Office as to the need for providing additional housing accommodation for the munition and other war workers in the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire; whether the Local Government Board for Scotland have expressed the view that immediate effect should be given to the local demand for such additional housing; and whether, having regard to the period of time which has now elapsed since the matter was first brought to the notice of his Department and to the growing industrial unrest created in the district owing to the existing shortage of houses, he is now prepared to sanction a building scheme and to release the necessary building materials?


I have been asked to reply to this question. The first two parts of the question are in general accordance with the facts. It must, however, be borne in mind that the position, involving as it does pre-war questions of housing, presented special difficulties from the point of view of the Ministry of Munitions. In regard to the third part, as a result of the correspondence which has passed and of conferences that have taken place between the Departments concerned I am hopeful that, subject to the necessary financial sanctions being obtained, a scheme for the immediate erection of a limited number of houses may shortly be put in operation.


When is it expected that this scheme will be approved and carried into operation, having regard to the long period of time which has elapsed since representations were first made?


As I have said, it is necessary first of all to have Treasury sanction. Once that is obtained, if it is obtained, there will be no delay at all.


Has the sanction of the Ministry of Munitions been obtained to the release of the necessary materials?


My answer to my hon. Friend implied that.