HC Deb 22 January 1918 vol 101 cc800-1
22. Colonel L. WILSON

asked whether any decision has yet been arrived at with reference to the issue of a medal or decoration to Imperial or Colonial troops in connection with the operations in Gallipoli?


This matter is receiving sympathetic consideration by the Imperial and Dominion Governments, but no conclusion has been reached.

Colonel WILSON

Is it not a fact that a month ago I was informed that this matter was receiving sympathetic consideration, and could he say when a decision is likely to be arrived at?


That is perfectly true, but it is an extremely difficult question, involving a good deal of interviews and correspondence with the various Governments concerned. It also raises a very delicate point. I promise my hon. and gallant Friend that I will communicate with him when I get the information.


Is there any precedent for the issue of a decoration or medal for a campaign of this kind, which cannot be said to have resulted in victory?


I am not sure about that.