HC Deb 21 January 1918 vol 101 cc646-7

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he is aware of the great difference between the price given to fishermen for sprats caught, namely, 3s. or less for 100 1bs., and the retail market price of 6d. per 1b.; and whether, seeing that sprats are an important article of food, especially at the present time, he will fix the market price without delay to prevent undue profits being made?

36. Captain CARR-GOMM

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that herrings are still sold at 5d. and 6d. apiece in the London shops, whereas at the coast they have been sold at the rate of 1?d. apiece; and whether the issue of the Order for the regulation of fish prices can be expedited, seeing that he stated on 20th December that it was being considered?

Mr. PARKER (Lord of the Treasury)

The F sh (Prices) Order, which comes into operation on Wednesday next, will, it is hoped; remedy the grievances to which attention has been called.


Will the hon. Gentleman take care that sprats and herrings do not disappear from the market, like rabbits?


What steps will the Department take to see that these high prices in the Order just issued will mean adequate remuneration to the fishermen, who have to take great risks catching the fish?


I cannot reply in detail to that question. The prices have been fixed and they will be issued on Wednesday next. When the hon. Member has seen them he can put another question on the Paper, if he requires further information.


I have seen the prices in the statement issued. I am anxious in regard to the fishermen in this industry that the hon. Gentleman will see that the prices fixed will secure adequate remuneration to the fishermen and not the middlemen.


Can the hon. Gentleman say if the price paid to the fishermen is 3s. per 100 lbs., while the retail price is 50s. per 100 1bs.?


I cannot go into any details, but I will direct the attention of the Ministry of Food to the matters which have been raised