HC Deb 10 January 1918 vol 101 cc290-1

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty how many ships contracted for or building in America for or on account of Norwegian or other neutral owners were purchased by British subjects and or the British Government; how many ships contracted for or building in America were on account of British subjects c r the British Government; and the total cumber of all these ships that have been requisitioned by the American Government?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply. Twenty-nine Norwegian contracts in respect of ships building in the United States have been taken over by His Majesty's Government. So far as the Shipping Controller is aware there have been no purchases on private account by British subjects of ships contracted for or building in the United States on account of Norwegian or other neutral owners since the establishment of the Ministry of Shipping. Precise information is not available as to how many ships had been contracted for or were being built in the United States for private account of British subjects, but 169 steel vessels (including the Norwegian contracts above referred to) and two wooden vessels had been contracted for by His Majesty's Government. The American Government have requisitioned 158 of the above-mentioned steel vessels.


Is the lion. Gentleman aware that his information is, as usual, inaccurate?