§ 53. Mr. ROWLANDSasked the Prime Minister whether he has received a protest from the Association of Poor Law Unions in England and Wales against the action of the Government in constituting the Sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee to consider and report upon the steps to be taken to ensure the better coordination of public assistance in England and Wales without appointing a representative of the Association upon it; and if he will consider the advisability of appointing a representative of the Association upon the Sub-committee?
§ 84. Sir J. D. REESasked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that the Association of Poor Law Unions in England and Wales, representing by direct election 556 unions and a population of over 34,000,000, have protested against the action of the Government in constituting a Sub-committee of the Reconstruction Committee to consider and report upon the steps to be taken to ensure the better co-ordination of public assistance in England and Wales, and upon such other matters affecting the system of local government as may from time to time be referred to it, without appointing representatives of the Association on such Sub-committee; that the Association asks the Government to remedy this defect in the constitution of the Sub-committee; and whether the Government proposes to comply with this request?
§ 99 Sir JOHN SPEARasked the Minister of Reconstruction how many of the fifteen members, of the Sub-committee appointed to consider and report on the transfer of the functions of the Poor Law authorities in England and Wales have acted in the capacity of guardians of the poor, and thereby acquired practical acquaintance in the administration of the Poor Law?
§ The MINISTER of RECONSTRUCTION (Dr. Addison)I have explained, in reply to similar questions, that the Com- 308 mittee referred to was not constituted on the principle of according representation to particular interests, and I have now received from the Committee a Report on the transfer of the functions of Poor Law authorities in England and Wales. I have sent copies of the Report, as promised, to the hon. Gentleman the Member for Tavistock, and asked him to furnish me with the views of the Committee of the Association of Poor Law Unions upon it. I am hoping to arrange for the publication of this Report without delay, in order to enable all those interested to consider the proposals of the Committee.
§ Mr. ROWLANDSDoes not the right hon. Gentleman think it necessary that a body like this, to deal with so considerable a situation, should have upon it representatives from a body that represents 556 unions and 34,000,000 people?
§ Dr. ADDISONI have answered a great number of questions on the subject within the last few months, and I do not think I have anything to add.