HC Deb 10 January 1918 vol 101 cc291-2
10. Mr. G. LAMBERT

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what extra number of skilled and unskilled workmen could be profitably employed in the private shipyards of the United Kingdom for building mercantile tonnage; and what steps are being taken to supply the private yards with as much labour as can be economically utilised?


The additional number of skilled arid unskilled workmen that could be profitably employed on private shipyards at the present time is approximately 17,000, but this number will increase progressively during the year.

It is being arranged that a considerable number of skilled men shall be released from the Colours for work in the private shipyards and engine works.

Unskilled workmen are being drafted into the shipyards from non-vital industries, and, as stated by the Minister of National Service in his speech on Monday, the appeal for labour for shipyards has met with the most gratifying response; large numbers of men are coining forward, and are being rapidly put to work.

I would also add that the establishment of schools for training men in the use of pneumatic tools, to which I referred in the Debate on the Vote of Credit on the 13th December, is being proceeded with as rapidly as circumstances permit.


How is it possible to provide men for the new Government shipyards when you cannot at the present time meet the demands of the private shipyards on the West Coast?


We have a large number of men at work by substitution and replacement, and, with additions, we hope to provide all that are necessary for output.


Are the men employed at Government shipyards on the West Coast being obtained at the expense of private shipyards?


I have stated frequently that we are taking no men from our own Royal dockyards or private shipyards.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the British shipbuilders are clamouring for labour, in spite of what is being done?


No doubt that is true, but we are not taking men from the private shipyards.


What labour is available for the private shipyards?