HC Deb 10 January 1918 vol 101 c312
63. Mr. CURRIE

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether any estimate exists of the cost to the country and to all parties concerned of the holding of annual Courts for the fixing of fiars prices in Scotland; whether representations have been made to him that the legal and other expenses involved in Court of Session proceedings regarding the stipends of parish ministers in Scotland are out of all proportion to the sums of money usually involved; and whether he has power to suspend or curtail during the War expenditure of this kind in Scotland?


I am not in a position to give an estimate of the cost referred to in the first part of my hon. Friend's question. As regards the second and third parts, I am aware that the proceedings in processes of augmentation before the Court of Teinds are cumbrous and expensive. I have, however, no power to suspend or curtail either the proceedings themselves or the expenses which they involve.