HC Deb 10 January 1918 vol 101 c316

Can the Leader of the House say if the House will sit on Friday, and, if so, what business will be taken?


I have put down a Motion to-day to suspend the Eleven o'Clock Rule. The object of that is this: I understand that an agreement was come to last night to complete the Committee Stage of the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Bill to-day, and we hope it may also be possible to get the Second Reading of the National Registration Bill. If we get that to-day and the Second Reading of the Military Service Bill to-morrow the House will not sit on Friday, but if we do not, then the House will have to sit on Friday to take one or other of those Bills.

Ordered, "That the Proceedings on the Non-Ferrous Metal Industry Bill and the National Registration Bill be not interrupted this day under the Standing Order (Sittings of the House), and may be entered upon at any hour although opposed. "—[Mr. Bonar Law.]