HC Deb 21 February 1918 vol 103 cc891-2
7. Major NEWMAN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether his attention has been called to the fact that detectives armed with automatic pistols raided certain premises in North Frederick Street, Dublin, on the 19th ultimo, and, after exploring the house, placed twenty-eight young men under arrest, allowing a certain number of young women to go about their business; and will he say what charge, if any, has been or will be preferred against these men, or have they been released?


On 12th February a party of detectives entered and searched the premises, 28, North Frederick Street, under the authority of a military warrant. Twenty-eight men were found together in a room on the third floor, and placed under arrest. Twenty-three of the men were charged with unlawful assembly, and -the further hearing of the case has been. adjourned till 22nd February. The other five had been on hunger-strike, and were in hospital and not in a fit condition to be brought before the Court. Other charges of infringing the Defence of the Realm Regulations will be preferred against all the prisoners at the adjourned hearing. I am informed that no young women were in the hall except the caretaker's wife, who was not found committing any offence. She did not leave the premises while the police were there.


Are these men in custody?


I think so. It may be they are out on bail; I cannot tell. I do not know what more I can tell the hon. Member. These men were arrested and brought before the magistrate. Five of them were disabled owing to their own conduct. With regard to the remainder, the proper course has been taken, I suppose, for the prosecution of the charges against them.


Is it the fact that they have been released on bail?


If the hon. Member is informed that is so, he is better informed than I am.