HC Deb 21 February 1918 vol 103 c911
34. Mr. FIELD

asked the Vice-President of tile Department of Agriculture (Ireland) what arrangements have been made as to seedling trees for planting in Ireland; whether 10,000,000 seedlings have been provided for England; and, if so, what number has been allotted to Ireland, and what arrangements are proposed for planting and protection?


I must refer the hon. Member to the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries as to the provision of seedling trees for planting in England after the War. As regards Ireland, the Department of Agriculture are not in a position to add anything to the information given in answer to previous questions on this subject.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say when it is likely that the information will be given with regard to Ireland, seeing that it is already given in respect of England?


As I said before, I am not at all sure it has been accurately given with regard to England; but, as far as it is practicable, steps are being taken to make sure trees shall be planted in proper order in Ireland.