HC Deb 19 February 1918 vol 103 cc616-7
71. Major HUNT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food what was the reason for excluding from the Advisory Committee on Live Stock and Meat Supplies any representative of Labour in that section which deals with imported and refrigerated meat while making the representation of the home-killed trade include all interests; whether, when it was suggested that there should be added to the Committee Mr. George Milligan, of the Liverpool Dock Labourers' Union, who enjoys the confidence of all the cold-storage workers of the port of Liverpool, and a Mr. J. Terret, who is the most prominent trade unionist in the refrigerated industry of Smithfield Market, London, and was a witness before the Departmental Committee on Food Prices, it was objected that both these men would use their position on the Committee to attack the profiteering of the American Beef Trust; whether the Ministry of Food was appointed to stop profiteering; and whether the real reason is that both these men have successfully exposed the muddle of refrigerated shipping and blundering over cold-storage arrangements?


No suggestion was ever received that Mr. G. Milligan or Mr. J. Terret should be appointed to the Central Advisory Committee on Live Stock and Meat Supplies, nor is that Committee directly concerned with the cold storage and refrigerating industry. The suggestion that the appointment of these two gentlemen was objected to in the interests of American firms is wholly without foundation.

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