HC Deb 14 February 1918 vol 103 cc252-3
28. Captain SHEEHAN

asked the Chief Secretary whether his attention has been drawn to a resolution passed by the Cork Butter Market Trustees demanding that the official brands of the Cork Butter Market be recognised and that, should grading be determined upon by the Government, firkins and boxes bearing the trustees' brand and being in conformity with the Food and Drugs Act should be exempt from further grading by Government officials; that maximum price be paid for Cork branded butter of best quality and 2s. less for second quality, which are guaranteed to contain not more than 16 per cent. of water; and that any other class of firkin butter found to contain over 16 per cent. of water should be reduced in price proportionally to the maximum price fixed for butter of the legal standard; and if he will state what action it is proposed to take in reference to these demands?


I have not received a copy of the resolution referred to. The export of Irish butter is in the hands of a committee elected by the various sections of the butter trade, and on this committee the Cork Butter Market Trustees have two representatives. The question of the grading of the butter does not lie in the hands of the Department of Agriculture. It will be carried out by the Irish Butter Export Committee and the Butter and Cheese Import Committee of Great Britain.


Is there any possibility of adding to the Committee a representative from Clare, where the industry is very important?


I do not think there is any hard and fast rule as to the constitution of the Committee. If the hon. Member thinks a representative for Clare ought to be added, I will make the representation.


Is my right hon. Friend aware that the province of Ulster is entirely unrepresented?


If that be so, it is capable of easy remedy. The people of Ulster never have any difficulty in getting their needs attended to.