HC Deb 06 February 1918 vol 101 cc2236-7

(by Private Notice) asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the names of food hoarders who take advantage of the new week of grace scheme will be published; whether the quantities of food so hoarded will be made known; whether in arriving at the proportion to be paid to these people for their hoards such payment will be based on the price paid by them for the food or at the present enhanced market price; whether in the event of any person destroying food fit for human consumption in order to avoid the penalty of publicity a sentence of penal servitude will be enforced; and, lastly, whether he will now state the total weight of food essentials per head any household may retain without contravention of the Regulations as to food hoarding?


I have had no notice whatever of this question.


This question was sent to yourself, Mr. Speaker, and to the Ministry of Food the first thing this morning. It was sent by hand by a special messenger, and really I fail to understand why it should not have been delivered. Perhaps, Mr. Speaker, you will say whether you received a copy?


I received my questions from the Ministry of Food, and I was in communication with them at eleven o'clock this morning. Since then I have received no information from them, and no information was given to me that any question had been received from the hon. Member.


Will the hon. Gentleman say whether there is any truth in the widely circulated report that the hon. Member for West Down (Mr. MacCaw) is about to supersede Lord Rhondda as Food Controller?

Mr. BILLING (later)

Might I ask the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, having regard to the fact that this week of grace will be over before the House meets again, whether he will make a statement through the Press making it perfectly clear what the position of that Order is, and also what amount of food it is possible for any person to keep in the house without coming under that Order?


The hon. Member must; give notice of that question.