68. Mr. DUNDAS WHITEasked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if, as the aggregate total value of land in Great Britain included in provisional valuations made under the Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910, to 31st March, 1916, amounted to £5,267,784,055, and as the total values are arrived at by making certain deductions from the gross values, he will say what was the aggregate gross value of land in Great Britain included in the provisional valuations under that Act to 31st March, 1916; and if he will also say what was the aggregate full-site value of land in Great Britain included in these provisional valuations to that date?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWThe information asked for by the hon. Member is not available and, in view of the labour involved in the preparation of detailed statistics, I cannot in existing conditions undertake to furnish figures of the aggregate gross value and full-site value of land in Great Britain shown in the provisional valuations referred to.
Mr. WHITECould the right hon. Gentleman explain how, as the total values are arrived at by making certain deductions from the gross values, the total values have been ascertained and published and the gross values have not?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWThat is rather a puzzler to me. I am unable to answer it.
Mr. WHITEIs the right hon. Gentleman aware that it arises out of the terms of the Section of the Finance Act?