§ 44. Mr. ANDERSONasked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller whether it is the intention to bring to trial the forty-three men of the "Ormonde" who have been interned for over four months in Bombay, seeing that they have had no opportunity of proving their innocence; whether the Ministry have compelled these men to join the Mercantile Marine Reserve, despite the fact that they have refused to sign articles 1533 and desire to return to the United Kingdom; if the Government propose to pay the wages of these men during the period of internment, especially in view of the destitute condition of some of their dependants in Glasgow; and whether it is proposed to have an inquiry into the circumstances of this case?
§ Sir L. CHIOZZA MONEYI gave my hon. Friend a full statement regarding this case on 19th March. The subsequent course of events has been as follows: I am glad to say that the forty-three men in question have all agreed to engage for service under Admiralty articles and are now serving under those articles in various capacities in Egypt and the Mediterranean. A communication has recently-been received, however, indicating that some of the men signed in the belief that they would immediately be sent home. This matter is now being investigated, but, in the meantime, I may point out that the men have all been in receipt of pay since the date of signing the Admiralty agreement. I will communicate with my hon. Friend as soon as possible on the outstanding points.