HC Deb 08 August 1918 vol 109 c1551

asked the hon. Member for Sheffield (Central Division) (1) what principle regulates the charge made by the Prisoners of Wax Committee to British civilian prisoners repatriated from German internment camps; (2) whether the Rotterdamsche Lloyd Steamship Company have made no charge for the hire of their vessels used for the repatriation of British interned prisoners from Germany other than actual running expenses; and whether the generosity of this Dutch company was borne in mind by the British Prisoners of War Committee when the committee decided to charge the returned prisoners for the cost of their voyage; and (3) whether the British civilian prisoners repatriated to England from Germany in January last were asked to sign any paper promising to pay the cost of their journey; whether the signing of such a paper is now made a condition of embarkation before the prisoner leaves Holland; and, if this is not the case always, what principle of differentiation between British prisoners is adopted by the Prisoners of War Committee?

Mr. JAMES HOPE (Lord of the Treasury)

I was not aware that these questions were to be put, but I will see that the answers are circulated in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

The following is the answer circulated:

In reply to these questions, I may say that the charges mentioned are made in accordance with Treasury Regulations. The whole matter is being reconsidered by the Treasury, and in the meantime I can add nothing to the answers given on this subject by the Chancellor of the Exchequer on 16th and 22nd July.