HC Deb 08 August 1918 vol 109 cc1555-6
28. Colonel YATE

asked the Home Secretary whether, although it is not possible under present circumstances to introduce legislation to enforce a general regulation against serving intoxicating liquors in licensed houses to young persons under the age of eighteen years, he will consider the question of addressing the various licensing authorities on the subject of the provision of tables and chains and refreshments other than intoxicating liquors in licensed houses, so that young persons can find accommodation there without being compelled to stand at a drinking bar, and informing them that the Government will be glad to favour any move by them in the accomplishment of such a reform?


I regret that, much as I sympathise with the hon. and gallant Member's desires, I cannot at present add anything to the answer which I gave him on the 23rd July. He will no doubt be aware that structural alterations of licensed houses are practically out of the question at the present time.