HC Deb 01 August 1918 vol 109 cc590-1
15. Mr. NUGENT

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether a circular has been issued by Lieutenant-Colonel P. P. Curtiss, of the General Staff, in which advice is given to the military to co-operate with the police in the arrest of persons whom the police suspect of being aliens, Sinn Fein leaders, or other persons, and, without affording any trial to them, people so suspected are to be arrested and no opportunity given to the people to refute such charges?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to answer this question. I am not aware of any particular circular, but it is naturally the practice of the military authorities, when providing for contingencies which may arise, to prepare instructions which must of necessity be kept secret and confidential.


Inasmuch as the right hon. Gentleman is not in a position, to give the circular, which is described as a confidential document, will he investigate the matter to find out whether there have been a number of men arrested in various portions of Ireland for no other reason than that they have been strong politicians without any sympathy with Sinn Fein or the enemy, and is it not a case of the local police trying to have revenge on these men?


The main part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question must naturally be referred to the Chief Secretary, but I cannot understand how my hon. Friend is in possession of a private and confidential document.


My question is addressed to the Chief Secretary, and if the right hon. Gentleman has not the information it is not my fault, and he should have it?


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that in many of the districts in Ireland the competent military authority has absolutely no power to give a permit in any shape or form to anybody except with the consent and knowledge of the local sergeant of police?


That does not arise out of this question.


What is the use of your competent military authority?