HC Deb 01 August 1918 vol 109 cc607-8
45. Colonel YATE

asked the. Prime Minister whether he will consider the desirability of reconstituting the War Aims Committee, with a view to a more definite policy of popular lectures on Sunday mornings in the market places and at factories during the dinner-hour and such like places, to counteract the harmful meetings and Bolshevist propaganda that apparently are being allowed to go on unchecked and are doing so much harm amongst the workers throughout the country?

Captain GUEST (Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury)

The War Aims Committee make use of every suitable means for countering any propaganda that has the effect of defeating, or interfering with, our War aims. The Committee are grateful for the suggestion made in the question.

Colonel YATE

Are they going to act on it?

Colonel C. LOWTHER

Will the Government take immediate steps to prevent all Bolshevist meetings in this country?

Captain GUEST

That question must be addressed to the Home Secretary.


asked the Prime Minister whether the Win the War centres inaugurated for supplying official information to the public, of which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and other Ministers are members of the council, form part of the organisation of Government information bureaux which are conducted under the auspices of the National War Aims Committee; if not, whether, having regard to the fact that the headquarters are in the Public Trustee's Office, it is an official organisation; whether the expenses are paid out of the public funds; how many Government information bureaux are in existence; whether they have proved a success; what has been the cost of establishing and maintaining them to date; and whether, in view of the announcement that, as a result of the experimental scheme in London, seventy additional bureaux are to be opened in provincial centres, he will reconsider the desirability of a competing organisation such as the Win the War centres being now started?

Captain GUEST

The answer to the first three parts of the question is in the negative. As regards the fourth, fifth, and sixth parts, there are fifty-six Government information bureaux, of which the cost of establishment and maintenance up to 27th July is under £31. The sites and kiosks have been provided free of cost to the Government. The possibility of combining this organisation with the Government bureaux is at present under consideration.


Is it an official organisation?

Captain GUEST

The answer to the first three questions is in the negative.