HC Deb 29 April 1918 vol 105 cc1273-5
16. Colonel W. THORNE

asked the Minister of Munitions if he is aware that the firm of Messrs, Ackroyd and Best, of Morley, near Leeds, are Government contractors; if he is aware that the firm are paying their women workers many shillings per week less than the wages paid to the men that were doing the work before the women were employed; if he is aware that the firm are paying girls 17s. 6d. per week for a week of sixty hours; if he has seen a copy of a notice posted up in the works since the National Union of General Workers made an application on behalf of the women employed by the firm for an advance of wages, which states that any employés who are not in sympathy with the demands of the union and who care to write a letter to the manager through the post or put it in his private letter-box, saying that the union does not represent them in the matter, their names will be noted and, when it comes to discharging, their services will be retained up to the last possible moment; if he is aware that the firm refused to allow the wage case in dispute to go to arbitration; and if he will take action in the matter?


An application was made at the end of last year for an advance in wages by the women employed in one department of this firm. On inquiry, it appeared that the women in question were not employed on munitions work, and, therefore, that they were not entitled to the advances payable in other departments where munitions work was carried on. I am informed that the wages paid by the firm are now the subject of arbitration. When the decision has been given any further inquiries that are necessary will be made. I have no information as to the notice referred to by my hon. Friend, but I will make inquiries

37. Colonel THORNE

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty if he is aware that the firm of Messrs. Ackroyd and Best, of Morley, near Leeds, are Government contractors; if he is aware that the firm are paying their women workers many shillings per week less than the wages paid to the men that were doing the work before the women were employed; if he is aware that the firm are paying girls 17s. 6d. per week for a week of sixty hours; if he has seen a copy of a notice posted up in the works since the National Union of General Workers made an application on behalf of the women employed by the firm for an advance of wages, which states that any employés who are not in sympathy with the demands of the union and who care to write a letter to the manager through the post or put it in his private letter-box, saying that the union does not represent them in the matter, their names will be noted, and, when it comes to discharging, their services will be retained up to the last possible moment; if he is aware that the firm refused to allow the wage case in dispute to go to arbitration; and will he take action in the matter?


The firm are doing some work for us, though not much. I have called for an immediate report, and have so far gathered that the case of the workpeople was submitted to the Committee on Production last Friday.

67. Colonel THORNE

asked the Undersecretary of State for War if Messrs. Ackroyd and Best, of Morley, near Leeds, are Government contractors; if the firm are paying their women workers many shillings per week less than the wages paid to the men that were doing the work before the women were employed; if the firm are paying girls 17s. 6d. per week for a week of sixty hours; if he has seen a copy of a notice posted up in the works since the National Union of General Workers made an application on behalf of the women employed by the firm for an advance of wages, which states that any employés who are not in sympathy with the demands of the union, and who care to write a letter to the manager through the post or put it in his private letter-box, saying that the union does not represent them in the matter, their names will be noted, and, when it comes to discharging, their services will be retained up to the last possible moment; if he is aware that the firm refused to allow the wage case in dispute to go to arbitration; and if he will take action in the matter?


No, Sir; my attention had not been drawn previously to this matter, but I am having inquiries made, and I will communicate with the hon. Member as soon as possible.

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