§ 28. Sir WILLOUGHBY DICKINSONasked the President of the Local Government Board whether forms are now being delivered by registration officers requiring householders to return the names of 668 persons in their houses for purposes of registrations as electors; what instructions have been given with regard to the collection of these forms; whether the collectors have been instructed to check the correctness of the returns; what check there will be as to the forms that are returned by post; and what measures will be taken to ensure that such an inquiry will be made as will secure that no person entitled to be registered shall be omitted from the lists through mistake or neglect on the part of the householder in making his return?
§ Mr. HAYES FISHERThe answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. It will rest with the registration officer who is responsible for the compilation of the lists to make arrangements for such verification as may be necessary of the information contained in the form referred to, whether they are collected or returned by post. I may say, however, that in the memorandum of Instructions which I have issued I have expressed the view that a house-to-house inquiry will be necessary in practically every registration area. I will send my right hon. Friend a copy of these Instructions.