HC Deb 18 April 1918 vol 105 c628

His Majesty may by Order in Council extend this Act to Ireland, and this Act if so extended shall, subject to much modifications and adaptations as may be made by the Order for the purpose of making it applicable to Ireland, have effect accordingly.

An Order in Council under this Section may, as respects the civil Court before which proceedings in respect of any offence punishable on summary conviction under the Reserve Forces Act, 1882, the Army Act, the Military Service Acts, 1916 to 1918, or this Act, or any Orders or Regulations made there under, are to be brought in Ireland—

  1. (a) make special provision with respect to the constitution of the Court; or
  2. (b) assign any such proceedings to such civil Court or Courts as may be specified in the Order.

Lords Amendments:

Leave out the words "Act, 1882" ["Reserve Forces Act, 1882"], and insert instead thereof the words "Acts, 1882 to 1907."—Agreed to.

In paragraph (a), leave out the word "or," and insert instead thereof the word "and."—Agreed to.