§ 68. Mr. FIELDasked the Vice-President o the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether, in view of milk scarciy, together with the prevalence of tuberulosis in Ireland, and the fact that the pat is immune from tuberculosis, he will state what precautions have been take to prevent the undue exportation of go as in order to keep up and increase the numbers?
§ Mr. DUKEThe maintenance of the stick of goats in Ireland is receiving the atention of the Department of Agricultre Up to the present they see no necessy for special action with regard to [...]portation.
§ 70. Mr. FIELDasked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether he is aware that it is the record test of goats' yield that the Danish breed was per annum 1,100 lbs. of milk, fat percentage 4.1, Saanen 1,230 lbs., fat percentage 4, Norwegian 992 lbs., fat percentage 4.1, and cross-breeds an average of 876 lbs., fat percentage 4.1, with a profit to goat keepers of from £3 to £5; whether he is aware that the United States Government issued a bulletin setting forth the virtues of goats' milk for the nourishment of infants and the sick; and that many sanatoria are making use of goats' milk to the exclusion of cows' milk; and will he say what steps he will take to encourage the breeding and keeping of goats?
§ Mr. DUKEI am told that the milk yield and percentages of butter fit of the breeds of goats mentioned are approximately as stated, and that goats milk is valuable for infants and the sick. Before the War it was estimated that the profit on goat keeping was from £3 to £6 per head per annum. Goat keeping is encouraged in Ireland by grants or provision of male goats of profitable strains and the formation of local goat-leepers societies. The Department of Agrculture are attending to the matter.
§ Mr. FIELDWill the right hon. Gentleman represent to the Board of Agrculture the necessity of keeping up the normal supply of goats in view of the tremendous quantity being exported?
§ Mr. DUKEI am quite sure from the information I have that the Department have that necessity in mind, but I will bring my hon. Friend's suggestion to the immediate attention of the Vice-President of the Board.