HC Deb 11 April 1918 vol 104 c1628

asked the Minister of National Service,, whether the efficiency of substitutes for men called up for military service is decided by the Ministry of National Service or by the official in charge of each local Labour Exchange; whether his attention has been called to the case of a medical officer in Essex who discharged the duties of chief special constable of a division and chairman of the emergency committee of twenty-eight parishes on the East Coast, national service representative before the local tribunal, chief medical officer of a volunteer battalion of 1,200 men, surgeon of a lied Cross hospital always filled with wounded soldiers. Admiralty surgeon for a large coast district, military surgeon for an inland district, besides other public duties; whether an application by this officer to retain his: motor driver was answered by the proposed substitute of a boy-waiter from a London restaurant without motor experience; and whether he will inquire into the case with a view to prevent the stoppage of this officer's public work?


In cases of tribunal exemptions the efficiency of substitutes for men called up for military service is determined by the tribunals acting on the advice of the trade panels of the local advisory committees established by the Ministry of Labour in connection with the Employment Exchanges. My attention has been called to this case, and I am referring it to-the Ministry of Labour, who will shortly communicate further to my hon. Friend with regard to it.