HC Deb 11 April 1918 vol 104 cc1644-6
13. Mr. P. MEEHAN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that the first assistant in Ballyfin national schools, Queen's County, has been notified that the revised salary from 1st April, 1917, is £ 88 5s.; if he is aware that this teacher's emoluments previously were the same figure, £ 88 5s.; and if he can state in what manner, and when, this teacher will receive the substantive increase in salary foreshadowed by him some time ago?


The teacher referred to received a grade salary of £ 79 10s. per annum prior to 31st March, 1917, and was also entitled to capitation Grant, payable annually in arrear, amounting to £ 8 15s., making her yearly emoluments under the old system of grade salaries equivalent to £ 88 5s. Under the new system she has been provisionally granted a salary of £ 88 5s., from 1st April, 1917, but as the adjustment of her salary was not completed owing to pressure of work in the National Education Office in time for the first issue of payments under the new scheme made last month, this sum did not include increases to which the teacher is now entitled and which will be granted without avoidable delay. The full salary payable from 1st April, 1917, is £ 93 per annum, and from 1st April, 1918, £ 98 per annum.

14. Mr. NUGENT

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the assistant clerk in the National Education Office, Ireland, who was recently promoted to a second division clerkship, has only five and one-third years service; whether he is aware that nineteen assistant clerks senior in service have been passed over; that the assistant clerk referred to had not been doing work usually assigned to second division clerks; and that at least twelve assistant clerks are at present and have for a number of years been doing the work usually performed by second division clerks; whether he is aware that four assistant clerks senior to the one promoted are at present on military service; If he will say whether their claims were taken into consideration in connection with this promotion; and if he will state what is the necessity for the promotion of this assistant clerk, as he is at present being employed at the work on which he was engaged before he was promoted?


I have nothing to add to the reply which I gave to the lion. Member's question on this subject on the 11th of March.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that there is considerable dissatisfaction in this Department on account of the discrimination in favour of a particular man to the disadvantage of those who have been serving a longer time?


As the hon. Member knows, the offices of the Commissioners of National Education are under the control of the Government in the sense that they are a Government Department, and if there is anything in the allegation mentioned, and I am furnished with facts and particulars, I will take care that they are investigated.


Will the right hon. Gentleman make inquiries?


No, because it is a vague allegation.