HC Deb 29 November 1917 vol 99 cc2307-8

The registration officer shall, on the application of any person, and on payment of the prescribed fee allow that person to inspect and take extracts from or supply to that person copies of the electors lists for any registration unit in his area and any claim or notice of objection made under these rules.


I beg to move, to leave out the words "and on payment of the prescribed fee."

This Clause provides for two things. The first is that the registration officer shall allow any person who applies to inspect and take extracts from the electors lists, and in the next place shall, at that applicant's desire, supply to him copies of the electors lists. In one case it involves no trouble whatever to the registration officer and in the other case it does. I move the excision of these words in regard to the matter which causes no trouble and afterwards to put them in in regard to the copy, which does give him some trouble. 1 sincerely hope my right hon. Friend may accept the Amendment, but I do not quite under- stand his Amendment to leave out the words "inspect and." It is very much desired that the present right of inspection and taking extracts shall be continued, and I hope, therefore, that he will not find that necessary. What we ask is that for inspection and taking extracts there shall be no fee, but when copies are asked the prescribed fee shall be paid.


I beg to second the Amendment.


I think the House might accept this Amendment, in which case I shall not move my Amendment.

Amendment agreed to.