HC Deb 29 November 1917 vol 99 c2199
25. Mr. LYNCH

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, in regard to the national teachers of Ireland, he will take into consideration the facts that the prices paid for all necessities of life are rising, that before the War their salaries only enabled them to make ends meet, and that these are the only class of State-paid persons who have not received any increase in pay since the beginning of the War; and whether, in consequence, he will now recommend that a bonus be granted to these teachers?


The statement that Irish national school teachers have received no increase in pay since the commencement of the present War is not correct. Since the 1st July, 1916, all teachers whose income from other State sources does not exceed £2 per week have been in receipt of a war bonus of 4s. per week, and the teachers whose income from other State sources exceeds £2 per week but does not exceed £3 per week have been in receipt of a war bonus of 3s. per week. Revised and improved salary scales for teachers have been settled and will take effect from the 1st April, 1917.