HC Deb 29 November 1917 vol 99 c2214

asked the Home Secretary if he is aware that Nicholas Cullen, Wexford, whose present address is 54, Randolph Street, Levenshulme, Manchester, was sent over to this country some fifteen months ago by the Labour Exchange and has been since working as a bricklayer; that he was arrested, by a detective, owing to his refusal to register, on the 25th October last and detained in prison for three and a-half hours until he was bailed out by his landlady; and that he had to appear before a magistrate on the following morning at Manchester and, notwithstanding his explanation as to how he came to this country and his statement that he had been home three times in fifteen months, he was fined 20s. on the statement of the detective that he had made a home in this country; and whether he will look into this matter with a view of returning the fine to Cullen and recompensing him for lost time?


I am making inquiry in this case, and will let the hon. Member know the result.