HC Deb 28 November 1917 vol 99 cc2006-7

asked the Prime Minister whether he can now make a statement as regards the increased pay of officers of junior rank; whether he is aware that, having regard to the existing cost of living, the present rate of pay is insufficient for them to meet the obligations occasioned by their status; whether he is aware that in numerous cases young officers have been obliged to incur liabilities which they are unable to meet to retain their status; and, if the Government are unable to increase the pay of these officers, whether they are prepared to make a war bonus, the amount of which shall be governed by the duration of service?


As I said in answer to a similar question on Monday, I expect to be able to make a statement on this subject before the end of the Session.


Before the right hon. Gentleman makes that statement, will he consider the position of these officers, some of whom have a wife and five or six children, and have to keep up a certain position which is utterly impossible on the pay they get; and will the right hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of giving them a bonus to meet the liabilities incurred and which many of them are unable to meet?


In the existing circumstances under which our Army is serving there are many cases where the hardship to junior officers is far greater than in the case of privates, and it is for that reason that we are considering the question.


Will the right hon. Gentleman let his proposals become effective without undue delay? Is he aware that if this were a question of labour and a strike was threatened it would be settled within a week?