HC Deb 26 November 1917 vol 99 cc1620-1
80. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if he can now state the fixed prices of milk in Ireland?


The Food Controller, with the concurrence of the Department of Agriculture for Ireland, proposes to fix the maximum wholesale price for milk at 1 s. 4d. per gallon and the maximum retail price at ls. 8d. per gallon, sold over the counter, and 2s. per gallon, delivered to the customer's premises. The Irish Food Control Committee will be given power o alter the prices in cases where they find it advisable, subject to the approval of the Food Controller.


What is the reason for the Food Controller fixing one price for all over Ireland and for the country districts, where the people can secure milk at ls. 4d. per gallon, thus enabling the retailers to charge the higher price fixed by the Food Controller?


In my reply I make it clear that the increase of price may be varied, according to the circumstances, by the action of the food control authorities in Ireland who know the circumstances.


But is it not the fact that when the food controller fixes the price the retailers are glad to get hold of it, so as to charge the people the very highest price?


That surely would be a reason that any authority locally would take into consideration.