HC Deb 22 November 1917 vol 99 cc1332-3
44. Mr. FERENS

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if he is aware that, owing to the priority given to brewers and maltsters in the purchase of barley, millers frequently are unable to buy home-grown barley to mix with wheat to keep their mills running and are obliged to buy Californian barley from the Wheat Commission at 88s. to 90s. per quarter against 68s. to 70s. per quarter at which the maltsters are allowed to buy, and that maltsters are thus subsidised at the expense of the 9d. loaf and the tax-payer; and will he take steps to remedy this grievance?


I am informed that, as threshing has become. more general, the difficulty experienced by millers is tending to disappear. It does not, therefore, seem desirable to change a policy which was adopted for the express purpose of encouraging farmers to continue to grow the types of barley which, under normal conditions, have always fetched the highest prices.


Why should the flour millers be faced with this difficulty in conducting their business?


Flour millers in this regard are only just like every other section of the community.


Why should the difficulties be created by the Government giving preference to the brewer?

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